
Ever Step


Ever Step (AF50)

Easily the most durable anti-fatigue mat on the market, the Ever Step reduces fatigue with its unique dual cushioning system. WE DEFY YOU TO WEAR THIS MAT OUT!

  • 140 mil thick oil resistant textured rubber surface produces a slip resistant mat that's easy to clean
  • The closed cell Nitrile Rubber foam backing provides relief for feet, legs and backs, and promotes productivity and motivation where prolonged standing is part of the job
  • The Nitrile Rubber backing is also oil resistant, slip-resistant for minimal movement on hard surfaces
  • 5/8" overall thickness. All edges safety beveled
  • Sizes: 2' x 3', 3' x 5', 3' x 12', 4' x 6' and 5' x 8'
  • Colors: Black